1Can I visit Kilkenny Kennels before sending my dog?
Viewing in advance is encouraged. Make an appointment, and bring your pet if possible. You can tell us all about your pet, their likes and dislikes, eating habits and usual routine.
2What are the fees per day?
They vary according to the size of the dog. Check these on "Boarding Fees & Opening Hours ". There are preferential rates for multiple dogs from the same household, and for those on long term stays. Fees are payable when collecting your pet by cash or cheque (accompanied by a valid cheque card).
3Are there any special preparations for my pets stay?
Yes- you must have a valid vaccination cert which shows the dog's up-to-date booster. Your dog must also have the KENNEL COUGH VACCINATION which should be given at least 2 weeks prior to boarding. No dog will be admitted to Kilkenny Kennels without a valid vaccination cert.
4What do I bring from home for my pet?
Food- it is best that your pet continues on the diet that he is accustomed to, so bring an adequate amount to cover his stay.
Bed and blankets from home help your pet to adjust to his new surroundings. Toys from home may be brought but we do not accept responsibility for loss / damage to any such items.
Collar and / or harness- a correctly fitting collar is essential. If you bring a harness, please inform us if he only wears it whilst being exercised.
5What is the usual routine at the kennels?
In the morning, the radio is turned on to Lyric FM, a classical music station. Tests have shown that this type of music is calming for animals.
Each kennel is cleaned and the water supply checked for cleanliness -there is a continuous water supply to each kennel.
Kennel hygiene is very important and they are checked several times a day to ensure a good standard is maintained.
Dogs are fed once/ twice or three times a day in accordance with owner's instructions.
Twice daily walks are guaranteed. Dogs are rotated during the day between kennels and the outdoor sand runs or the indoor concrete ones.
The music is turned off at night.
6What is unique about Kilkenny Kennels?
Although we are situated on the edge of Kilkenny city, we are surrounded by many acres of land- grass, tillage and marsh- all of which is available for exercising the dogs.
The kennels are built in private grounds on the Freshford
oad but are adjacent to the family home. We are in a position to allow dogs to exercise off the lead but only with the owner's written consent.
7What happens if my pet gets sick?
We have a vet on call (Village Veterinary, Kells
oad) 24 hours a day. If a pet requires veterinary attention, the vet will call or the animal taken swiftly to the surgery. The bill must be covered by the owner on collection of the pet.